Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day 8 - Dragunov and my blog's first follower

I gave up trying to use Scout SR-69 in Sudden Attack SEA.
The sniper rifle don't have enough damage to kill with one bullet.
Every time I reload for a killer shot, I get killed by a shot.
Unless I'm lucky enough to get a head shot, Scout SR-69 suck.

Then a friend told me to try Dragunov instead.
99% damage with 100% accuracy.
The best part is the firing rate is a lot higher than Scout SR-69.
I can fire it like a machine gun, as long as I control the recoil.

A 2-0 start with Dragunov.
Not exactly a challenging game, but a win is still a win!

p/s: I HAVE A FOLLOWER FOLLOWING MY BLOG :D Thank you Cracz Thong.

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